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Week 6 Discussion Anthropology

Week 6 Discussion Anthropology

Q From Chapter 12: Although religion is a cultural universal, religions are parts of particular cultures, and cultural differences show up systematically in religious beliefs and practices. What are some examples of this and explain why religion is viewed by anthropologists as a cultural universal?

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In this world human is divided by many things like language, race, and nationalities but religion is one thing that unite people. However, there are many religions in this world with their own God and ideals and some are similar while other cannot match at all. Religion binds people together and when there is nothing left in life, religion is like a hope that helps us to bring out of any unnecessary things. In fact, religion is something that often tells people how to live and what to eat and about the clothing as well (Kottak, 2017). Also, marriages are controlled in the name of the religion.